Iran’s Zarif slams US plan as ‘nightmare’ for region, world

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Iran’s Zarif slams US plan as ‘nightmare’ for region, world

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has lashed out at the US’s so-called peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying the initiative is a “nightmare” both for the region and the world.

Zarif said in a tweet on Tuesday that the US President Donald Trump’s “so-called ‘Vision for Peace’ is simply the dream project of a bankruptcy-ridden real estate developer.”

The Iranian foreign minister added that the plan was a “nightmare for the region and the world and, hopefully, a wake-up call for all the Muslims who have been barking up the wrong tree.”

Zarif also called for unity in the international community for the Palestinian cause, saying the so-called peace plan was considered as “sleepwalking into catastrophe.”

Ilan Goldenberg, the chief of staff to the lead US negotiator in the last failed attempt under former US President Barack Obama, also took to Twitter on Tuesday and described the ideas put forward in the 80-page US document as “non-starters.”

Earlier in the day, Trump repeated his highly controversial endorsement of occupied Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s “undivided capital” as he outlined his administration’s self-styled plan for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which Palestinians have already dismissed.

Defying international outcry, Trump announced the general provisions of the plan he calls “the deal of century” at the White House with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his side.

Trump outlines contentious Palestine scheme, says Quds will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’

He endorsed his contentious recognition in December 2017 of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s “capital,” a move he took in the face of Palestinian demands that the holy city should serve as the capital of their future state. He said the plan envisages the city as the Israeli regime’s “undivided capital.”

The so-called peace plan is widely expected to take the US’s pro-Israeli brinksmanship to a whole new level, with various reports warning that it seeks to lay the groundwork for Israel’s annexation of about half of the West Bank, which the regime occupied in 1967, including most of the Jordan Valley.

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