Collection of more than 500 videos of executions and beheadings of civilians in Syria

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Collection of more than 500 videos of executions and beheadings of civilians in Syria

According to Mehr News Agency, citing Al-Ma’alumah, legal sources in Syria announced that more than 500 videos showing the atrocities of the Golani regime terrorists in the country have been collected.


According to the report, the atrocities in question are related to the past three days against Alawites in the coastal cities of Syria. 90 percent of these videos include brutal executions, whether by shooting or beheading, along with severe torture of civilians and burning them.


The sources added that these videos will be handed over to international institutions to document the crimes of the Golani terrorist regime.


The collected videos show the execution of more than 700 civilians, including women and children, in the past few days.

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