First Arab Victory in 2000 was Achieved with Iran’s Support

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On the blessed occasion of the birth anniversary of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and during the week of the Islamic Unity, Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addressed the whole Islamic and Arab nation, greeting them on these blessed days.

In a ceremony organized by Hizbullah in Sayyed al-Shuhada complex in the Beirut southern suburb, Sayyed Nasrallah stated, "I greet everyone on this holy occasion; the memory of the birth of our prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I also greet you and all Muslims on the anniversary of birth of Imam Sadeq (as), and on the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution Victory in Iran".

The Islamic Unity Project

Sayyed Nasrallah commenced his speech with regarding Prophet Mohammad's achievement in building a united nation; an Islamic nation which he built "an ignorant nation which used to blunder in conflicts".

"He built a faithful nation, and that sole Man has now become one nation", His Eminence affirmed.

"The greatest miracle of Prophet Mohammad, through which he was able to create this nation, was the holy Quran which was sent to him by God", Hizbullah Secretary General affirmed.

Citing the holy Quran's divine nature, Sayyed Nasrallah noted, "This holy Quran's miracle is its ability to challenge, throughout the centuries, for nations to create anything similar to it, whether in content or form".

From here, his eminence asserted that at the time when conflicts are increasing in the region and the world increased, facts and information given should be inspected and proven before believing it.

On this level, His Eminence moved to talking about the Islamic unity, stated, "When we talk about the Islamic Unity, this is a project sought by many figures in the Arab and Islamic world, however the Islamic revolution victory led by Imam Khomeini [...] gave a special push for the Islamic Unity project".

"Islamic Unity was never meant to blend all the Islamic sects into one sect, not at all", His Eminence went on to say, clarifying the true aim of the Islamic Unity.

"The Islamic Unity project, since the beginning, is the idea of having the Muslims, who were subject to division and conflict by the arrogant powers, to cooperate and set grudge aside in order to serve their joint and mutual interests", Sayyed Nasrallah said.

"The arrogant and occupiers do not have interest in having the Islamic sects joined together, therefore they seek their division", he also added.

"In the past decades, many events occurred, aiming at preventing any meeting or cooperation in the [Islamic] nation in this regard", Sayyed Nasrallah iterated.

On the Iranian level, in relation to its role in Islamic Unity, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled that "the US, "Israel", and the moderate Arab countries used to support the former Iranian Shah, who was a Shiite, only because his political approach followed theirs".

"The Iranian guilt was that it ousted the regime that was supportive to the US", he stated, further indicated that hundreds of billions of dollars were raised to be used against Iran, especially because of its campaigns promoting for the freedom of Palestine.

Therefore, His Eminence stressed that after the war, they [arrogant powers] came up and exploited the sectarian conflict, and they created the so-called Iranian and Shiite tides, which is an issue of soft warfare that the US and West are using to confront the nation.

"The accusation is that Iran is initiating a Shiite tide in the Islamic world, and that it wants to spread Shiism; i.e. Iran wants to convert a billion and a half Muslims to Shiites", he regarded.

"On the religious level, there is no such thing as the Shiite tide, but there are some sides that are promoting and claiming so", Hizbullah Secretary General affirmed.

"There are some individual cases, but there is no such thing as a Shiite tide or a Sunni tide or anything", he further stressed.

His Eminence stressed that he "hopes in this issue reaches a firm conclusion and no one should allow anything to cause conflict, disagreement or misconception".

The National Unity Project

"On the level of the National Unity, in Lebanon, we believe that we are a country of diversity, and when I am a Muslim and an Islamist, that doesn't mean that I don't have a choice but choosing an Islamic rule", His Eminence explained.

"As an Islamic movement in Lebanon, when we talk about a national cooperation between the Muslims and Christians, and when we talk about a national government that serves everyone, we are not merely talking politics, but we are implementing our religious insights", His Eminence reiterated.

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah noted that "our religious approach to Islam or Christianity does not prevent us from reaching a coexisting and firm government and country".

Regarding his party's approach and interests, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed, "Hizbullah's political rhetoric is clear since the beginning, that it addresses the interests of the Lebanese, the Muslims and Christians and the whole country".

Iranian Support Achieved First Arab Victories in 2000, July 2006

Regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran, and commenting on the latest statement by the Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei, stating Iran's full support of the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine, Sayyed Nasralah indicated, "That was the first time that an Iranian figure clearly stats its support and aid to Hizbullah".

"I affirm that yes we have been receiving financial, moral, and materialistic support from Iran, as much as possible, since 1982", Hizbullah Secretary General stressed.

"The first biggest Arab victory, which was achieved by Hizbullah in May 2005, wouldn't have been achieved if it weren't for the Iranian support", Sayyed Nasrallah stressed.

"Also, the resistance movement, which was steadfast in the July war, wouldn't have succeeded if it weren't for the Iranian support", His Eminence said.

"We should thank Iran for its support given throughout the years", Sayyed indicated.

Indicating the historical Western anti-Iran campaigns, Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that "all the US and western pressures exerted on Iran would be over if Iran abandons the Palestinian cause".

Hizbullah's Financial Sufficiency

Regarding the financial issue in Hizbullah, Sayyed Nasrallah indicated, "I should make it clear, that commenting on all claims of drug dealings and money laundering, I reaffirm that the drug dealing and money laundering are a taboo, and we are satisfied with the support of the Islamic Republic of Iran".

"Iran merely deals with Hizbullah as the holy Quran says, "We feed you for the sake of Allah alone no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks"", His Eminence clarified.

On this level, His Eminence addressed those sides who have been claiming that they have evidence that Hizbullah served Iran, for an Iranian interest, telling them to present their evidence if they can.

Syria, Subject to a US-"Israeli" Western-Arabic Consensus to Topple Regime

Regarding Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah said, "I move to the Syrian issue with much accuracy, especially that there are some intimidations, which cannot affect our stance, which is based on a vision".

"I repeat what I said about making sure of evidence, for example some Arab satellites reported that Hizbullah bombarded the Zabadani area with mortar missiles", he recalled.

"We have a clear political stance, but before this scene everyone might get touched and reacts, however after searching the details, it appeared that there is nothing true of those claims", Sayyed Nasrallah added.

"In Syria today there is a regime that is still standing, and has a constitution and an army, and according to our information, the army is still with the regime, and that there is a great number of people that supports the regime as well", Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed.

"Outside Syria, there is a US-"Israeli" Western-Arabic consensus on the level of the moderate Arab countries, which aims at toppling the Syrian regime, although not all of them have acquired democracy and Human Rights, and this issue should be tackled", His Eminence indicated.

Regarding the US interference in breaking down every Islamic approach, Sayyed Nasrallah stated, "I believe that the Islamic movements that won in the elections will face dangerous challenges and hard merits, and they are targeted because the US is seeking their failure, and therefore this issue needs clear stances".

"What is needed in Syria is the head of resistance in Lebanon and Palestine, and the head of the Palestinian cause and that of the Palestinian nation, and this is the truth", Hizbullah Secretary General reiterated.

"The Syrian leadership agreed on most of the reforms requested, and it is ready for dialogue, but how do they say that it is too late when the war is still on in Syria, and there are those that are pushing Syria towards civil war", Sayyed Nasrallah wondered.

"A dialogue table will server Syria, and the bet on the US is a losing bet naturally, and this is our stance, and we believe here lays the interest of Syria, its people, and the interest of Lebanon, the Lebanese people, Palestine and the Palestinian people", Sayyed Nasrallah stressed.

Lebanese Government... Base of Lebanon's Stability

"On the Lebanese level, we are keen on the continuity of the government, and the mediation is not needed, for solving the crisis is the responsibility of everyone", Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed.

"This government, regardless of its description, is so far the base of this country's stability, and we should do our best for it to achieve something", he added.

"Now is not the time to tumble the government, nor is it a time for political tension in Lebanon, and we should cooperate to overcome this tough stage", Hizbullah Secretary General concluded.


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