‘Israel is not ready for a military confrontation with Iran’

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An American political analyst says despite Tel-Aviv’s escalating war rhetoric against Tehran, Israelis are by no means ready for a military attack against Iran without US support.

In an article published on the website of the Foreign Policy Association on Tuesday, Josh Klemons noted that anyone casually following the recent Israeli news will assume that the question is not if, but when, Israel will attack Iran.

He stated that no Israeli leader seems to be able to speak publicly without mentioning Iran's nuclear energy program and it is clear that neither US President Barack Obama, nor Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, want to see a nuclear Iran.

Tel Aviv, he added, fears that a nuclear Iran will not hesitate to attack Israel, while Washington is both concerned about the threat to Israel and the risk of nuclear proliferation in the region with a nuclear Iran in it.

Klemons added that the major difference between Obama and Netanyahu when it comes to Iran's nuclear energy program is where they draw their line in the sand.

He further wrote that despite Israeli officials' warmongering, a new poll suggests that the majority of Israelis do not want a military confrontation with Iran.

The poll conducted by the University of Maryland and the Dahaf Institute in Israel on February 22-26 showed that only a small percentage of Israelis support an Iran strike without US backing.

“With that in mind, maybe Prime Minister Netanyahu and his cabinet should spend less time trying to convince the world that Iran must be attacked immediately…and more time taking the pulse of their constituents. Sometimes a leader speaks for his people, and sometimes he needs to stop speaking, and start listening,” Klemons concluded.

The US and Israel have been escalating war rhetoric on Iran during the past few months, claiming that Iran seeks to produce nuclear weapons under the cover of its civilian nuclear energy program.

On March 2, US President Obama threatened Iran with a military strike over the country’s nuclear energy program, telling the Atlantic magazine that the US is “not taking any option off the table.”

Iran has denied Western allegations, promising a crushing response to any military strike against the country. Tehran has also warned that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East.

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