Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood candidate leads in early expatriate vote results

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Cairo – Early results show Egyptian presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi has won 63 percent of the country’s expatriate votes.

According to AFP, the preliminary results come as ballots are being counted in 38 countries, six days before the country’s presidential runoff.

Polls show that more than 300,000 Egyptians living outside their country have cast their ballots in the run-off, with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi being ahead of former Egyptian premier Ahmed Shafiq.

Reports also show that former Muslim Brotherhood (MB) member, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, who was also previously running for presidency has endorsed Morsi.

Morsi has also joined the Egyptians in their protests against ousted ruler Hosni Mubarak’s life sentence he was handed in his trial earlier this month for being involved in the killing of protesters last year.

Morsi will face Shafiq in a run-off election on June 16 and 17 in the first freely-contested presidential election in the country’s history.

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