Nations should stand up on their own feet

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Leader’s remarks to the visiting officials and the ambassadors of Islamic countries

Speaking to the visiting officials of the Islamic System and ambassadors of the Islamic countries, leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed, “The enemy should know that haughtiness ad undue expectations against Iranian nation will lead nowhere.”

According to IRIB World Service, in a meeting with the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran, representatives of the Islamic countries and also a number of the families of the martyrs, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei addressed the enemies to take lessons from the failed experiences in countering the Iranian combatant and patient nation; and that they should know that haughtiness, superciliousness and undue expectations, before a nation that has learnt steadfastness and unity from Qur’an and has known itself, will lead nowhere.

The leader of the Islamic Revolution noted, “The root of all these problems is the dominance of the hegemonic system over the world and the existence of two poles of the domineering and the domineered. This will be solved once nations come out of accepting dominance and being inactive.”

Reminding obvious destruction, massacre and oppression of the bullying powers in some of the regional countries, the leader highlighted, “In the black view of the world oppressors principally mankind has no place and status; just as we witness it in the economic problems of the western countries where the dominant powers are in pursuit of solving the woes of the bank-owners and the capitalist companies and not the people.”

Pointing to the policy of the enemies to threaten Shiites and Sunnis against one another, Ayatollah Khamenei deemed unity as the exigent need of the Muslim World and lambasted the seditionist acts of some agents adding, “Those who do not accept Islam at all and basically do not know Shia and Sunni sects, at the behest of the spying services of the hegemonic powers, express concern over the spread of Shia school and ignite fire of discord.”

Referring to the incessant efforts of the world bullying powers to harness and divert the regional revolutions the leader said, “Nations should stand up on their own feet with reliance on their own god-given treasury of thought and wisdom, and with good will to the promises of divine help; and they should make their fate via resistance against domineering powers.”

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