Leader: NAM should take initiative, end current situation in Syria

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The Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, has noted that the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) should take the initiative and end the current situation in Syria through political channels.


According to IRIB World Service, the Leader of Islamic Revolution, in a meeting in Tehran on Friday with the Iraqi Premier, Nouri al-Maleki, and his accompanying delegation, referred to regional issues, including the situation in Syria and Bahrain. The Leader pointed out that Islamic Republic of Iran as the head of NAM, and Iraq as the head of Arab League, can make use of the capacity of these organizations to influence regional issues, including the Syrian issue.

The Leader of Islamic Revolution referred to the propaganda campaign of the enemies and added that the fact of the matter in Syria is the waging of a proxy war against the Syrian administration by a number of states, led by the US and a number of other powers, with the goal of fulfilling the interests of the Zionist regime and dealing a blow against the resistance in the region.

Touching upon the issues of Iraq, the Leader of Islamic Revolution emphasized that Islamic Republic of Iran considers the progress and strength of Iraq to the benefit of Islamic Iran and believes that the two countries' relations can be a role model in the region.

Expressing content with the cooperation and unity of Iraqi groups, the Leader of Islamic Revolution underlined that the regional countries and all Iraqi groups and currents should know American officials are not trustworthy partners and whenever they deem fit, they will trample upon all their vows and will resort to betrayal.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi premier, for his part, expressed concerns about the status quo in Syria; the interference of foreign powers in this country; moves of Al-Qaeda in Syria, and its impact on Syria's neighboring countries; while adding that the Non-Aligned Movement should take the initiative in resolution of Syrian crisis.

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