Nationwide Protests Against Anti-Islam Film

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Iranians, after Friday prayers, staged nationwide protest rallies to express their outrage over an anti-Islam movie produced in the US which insults Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Demonstrators took to the streets in Tehran and other cities after the Friday Prayers in protest to the blasphemous movie and called for the punishment of the agents behind the sacrilegious act.

They chanted ‘Death to the US’ and ‘Death to Israel’ slogans, and expressed disgust at the US and the Zionist regime’s anti-Islam policies.

The protesters also stressed the importance of maintaining unity among Muslim nations across the world to confront enemies of the Muslim world.

In a Thursday statement, the Council for Coordination of Islamic Publicity strongly condemned the sacrilegious act and called on all the Iranians to take to the streets after Friday prayers.

The Iranians will vent their fury on the Zionist elements responsible for the blasphemous act and convey Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) message of peace, friendship and fraternity to the world, the statement said.

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