Sayyed Nasrallah: We Will Defend Holy Prophet Until Last Drop of Blood

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"Oh Most Honorable People, Most Dignified People, and purest of all, Peace be upon you," Hibullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said greeting the hundreds of thousands of protesters on Monday.

Sayyed Nasrallah did not appear via video-link today, on the 17th of September 2012 to deliver his speech. Instead, the Resistance leader arrived into the ceremony square to deliver a live speech, reiterating the condemnation of the sacrilege anti-Islam film insulting Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his chaste progeny).

Sayyed Nasrallah thanked people, Muslims and Christians, politicians and religious figures, who have attended the rallies in support of a just cause, that of defending the person of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Expressing gratitude he said "Peace be on our Prophet Mohammad and his companions and all the prophets and messengers...I thank you for heeding the call of the prophet. I thank all of you, especially the Sunni, Shia and Christian clerics, and the national parties - particularly our brothers in the Amal movement - who responded to our call for protests."

Also, Sayyed Nasrallah, assuring the rejection to this insult stated "Some until now are not aware of the degree of insult that targeted the Prophet through some of these scenes [of the 12 minute movie trailer] and stabbed the prophet's faith, the Quran and his wives."

"We are here to declare our rejection [of the anti-Islam sacrilegious film], also to completely close the door before any future attempt to repeat such an insult," Hizbullah leader clearly declared.

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah further added that boycotting the websites that insist on broadcasting the trailer of the film is a must, emphasizing "We should prevent the airing of the complete film by the Americans."

He urged the people to "establish planning groups and teams to work and achieve these three objectives," iterating "The whole world should know that this prophet has followers regardless of how great the sacrifices might be."

According to Sayyed Nasrallah, America, which objects and deceives under the slogan of freedom, needs to understand that the broadcast of the complete film will yield very dangerous repercussions.

In addition, he recapped that the "All governments and people are required to put their utmost effort and exercise pressure on the international community to issue an international resolution and pass laws that criminalize such acts of insulting Monotheistic religions, also prophets Ibrahim, Moussa (Moses), Issa (jesus), and Mohammad (peace be upon them).

Furthermore, the Resistance leader encouraged practical steps in defense of Prophet Mohammad, and assured that any delay in this task is considered as negligence in defending Prophet Mohammad, which also keeps the door open to new insults which are of unknown destination.

Promising that Muslims will unite to serve common objectives, Sayyed Nasrallah guaranteed "Our movement needs to reach all the Ummah in defense of the Prophet."

His Eminence noted "We need to underscore the great awareness among Muslims and Christians and highlight the importance of coexistence."

"Let no one be deceived that this battle can be ignored. The Muslim world's failure to come up with international laws that incriminate abuse against Islam will be tantamount to an offense against the Prophet Mohammad," Sayyed Nasrallah stated.

He ended his speech by paying a pledge along with the hundreds of thousands of protesters "We are under your Command our Prophet Mohammad. We, our families and children are under your command. We will defend you with our blood, souls, lives, wealth...Allah is a witness to what we say, the blood of our martyrs, the wounds of our wounded, our demolished homes all witness, we will sacrifice everything for your sake our Prophet."

"Prophet Mohammad, we are under Your command!"




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