Mubarak release step towards undoing Egypt revolution: Iran MP

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An Iranian lawmaker says the release of former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak from prison is another step towards undoing the country’s revolution.

“Releasing Hosni Mubarak and the developments in this regard in Egypt are in reality a return to before the revolution of the people of Egypt,” Spokesman for the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Seyyed Hossein Naqavi-Hosseini said, Press TV reported.

A court in Egypt ordered the conditional release of the former dictator from Tora prison in the capital Cairo on Wednesday, after dropping corruption charges against him.

The deposed dictator will be held under arrest at the Cairo hospital on the orders of the interim Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi, who has been empowered to order arrests as long as the state of emergency is in effect.

“Mubarak’s release and his exoneration from all crimes that he was clearly involved in, is the most unfortunate event that could happen to the people of Egypt,” the lawmaker added.

Naqavi-Hosseini criticized Egypt’s government for not following the “revolution objectives” and for allowing the return of some pre-revolution officials to Egypt’s political scene.

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