Imam Khamenei urges Muslims to counter divisive moves

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Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has urged Muslims to counter any factor undermining their unity, calling this a big responsibility for Muslims.

In a Sunday meeting with Iranian officials and foreign participants in the 27th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, the Leader described “unity” as the “most important” issue in the Muslim world today.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Political, scientific and religious elites bear heavy responsibilities in creating unity in the Muslim communities.”


In this meeting, the Leader of Islamic Revolution elaborated on the necessity of solidarity in the World of Islam, while emphasizing that all Muslims are duty-bound to stand up against any factor which sabotages unity in the Muslim world.


Undoubtedly, unity is synonymous to reliance upon commonalties. But, what are these commonalties and what are the differences of opinion about?


If one glances at the issue of unity; the hardware and software aspects of the role of arrogant powers for causing discord among Muslims takes center stage. In regard to the hardware aspect, the arrogant powers have today been intent on disintegrating Islamic territories under the pretext of defending democracy and freedom. This policy started as of over six decades ago with the occupation of Palestinian territories.


In the 21st Century, this divisive plot has manifested in the form of current against the wave of Islamic awakening, which has swept across Islamic countries.


The radical currents which intend to somehow tarnish the image of sacred religion of Islam are the product of divisive plots provoked by Takfiri mercenaries, who are supported by meddling powers.


The Global Arrogance, through the usage of cults such as Wahhabism, has targeted the Islamic unity and is intent on acts of sabotage against solidarity of the Islamic Ummah. The Global Arrogance is mainly intent on wiping out the identity of Islamic nations, including the identity of the Palestinian nation. Based on this fact, the Leader of Islamic Revolution pointed out that the Global Arrogance has tried throughout the past 65 years to somehow wipe out the name of Palestine. But, it has failed to do so because in sensitive periods of time, such as the 33-day, 22-day and 8-day wars, the Islamic Ummah showed that it is alive and has dealt a heavy blow against the spurious Zionist regime of Israel.


The fact of the matter is that the World of Islam maintains significant economic, political, ethnic, geographical, and religious capacities; the commonalty of all of which is the sacred religion of Islam, which puts emphasis on the principle of unity. This fact is one of the important indices which have contributed to the formation of the soft power of the Islamic Ummah that can unite the Islamic nations against conspiracies and threats.


Hence, the Leader of Islamic Revolution has emphasized that the religious, political, and scientific elites are duty-bound to maintain solidarity of the Islamic Ummah; and the political elites should realize that their honor and dignity is rooted in their reliance upon people.


Undoubtedly, it is of paramount importance for the World of Islam to realize that discord is the biggest threat against the Islamic countries, while the sacred religion of Islam maintains the capacity to unite all Muslims in the face of enemies.






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