Egypt: Brotherhood Chief among 683 Sentenced to Death, Islamist Parties to Boycott Election

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An Egyptian court on Monday sentenced Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and 682 other Brotherhood supports to death, a lawyer and prosecutor said.

The same court also reversed 492 death sentences out of 529 it passed in March, commuting most of those to life in prison.


The defendants sentenced on Monday were accused of involvement in the murder and attempted murder of policemen in the southern Minya province on August 14, the day police killed hundreds of ousted Be president Mohamed Morsi's supporters in clashes in Cairo.


Several female relatives waiting outside the courtroom fainted on hearing news of the verdict.


This comes as a number of parties in Egypt have pledged alliance to boycott country's upcoming presidential election that they see as a ‘comic play' to legitimate a July coup that toppled their first democratically elected president.


The National Alliance to Support Legitimacy, led by the Muslim Brotherhood movement, issued a statement on Sunday in which they described the vote as "a farce" meant to appoint "the coup orchestrator" president.


The alliance also said it would not recognize the election monitoring planned by "Western supporters of the coup."

They say the coup leaders have "committed crimes that exceed those committed by the Zionist Gang in Palestine."


The group had earlier boycotted a vote on the new constitution in January.

The supporters of the group on Saturday held protests against the presidential candidacy of the former head of the armed forces, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.


Al-Sisi, who is the presumed front-runner in the presidential race, has called for a high turnout in the May 26-27 election.




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