Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) was born in the Kaaba on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, in the year of the Elephant (10 years before the Prophethood). His father was Abu Talib, the uncle of the Messenger of God (a.s.) and his mother was Fatimah bint Asad, both of whom were from the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca.
When Imam Ali (a.s.) was born, his mother Fatimah bint Asad named him “Haydra” (meaning lion). Then she and Abu Talib agreed by divine inspiration to name him “Ali”.
Fatimah bint Asad says: “I entered the Sacred House of Allah and ate from the fruits of Paradise and its provisions, so when I wanted to go out, I cried out without a sound: O Fatimah! I named him Ali, for he is Ali, and Allah, the Most High, says: “I have separated his name from My name, and I have educated him with My education, and I have established him on a mysterious knowledge, and he is the one who breaks the idols in My house, and he is the one who calls the call to prayer above the roof of My house, and he sanctifies Me and glorifies Me, so blessed is he who loves and obeys Him, and woe to him who disobeys and hates Him.”; “I entered the Kaaba and ate from the fruits and provisions of Paradise. So when I wanted to come out, someone called me: O Fatima! Name him Ali, for he is Ali (high in rank), and Allah, the Most High, says: I have taken his name from My name, and I have educated him with My education, and I have made him aware of the difficulties of My knowledge. He is the one who breaks the idols in My house, and he is the one who calls the call to prayer above the roof of My house, and he sanctifies and glorifies Me. So blessed is he who loves and obeys Him, and woe to him who disobeys and hates Him.” So, blessed is the one who loves him and obeys him, and woe to the one who disobeys him and makes him his enemy!