The Martyrdom of Imam Ali (AS)

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The Martyrdom of Imam Ali (AS)

After the Khawarij defeated the army of Imam Ali (AS) in the Battle of Nahrawan, a group of three of them decided to assassinate Muawiyah, Amr Al-As, and Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (AS) simultaneously, in order to eliminate, in their opinion, the three factors of discord and sedition among the Muslims. Ibn Muljam Muradi was ordered to kill the Imam (AS) and carried out his decision with the help of Wardan bin Mujalid, Ash'ath bin Qais, and Shabib bin Bajra, who was a Khawarij member of Nahrawan. On the morning of Wednesday, the 19th of the holy month of Ramadan, 40 AH, Ibn Muljam stabbed the Imam (AS) with a poisoned sword while he was praying in the mihrab of the Kufa Mosque. Imam Ali (AS) was martyred on the night of the 21st of Ramadan as a result of this blow.

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