Hajj and Muslim Unity

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All Muslim brothers and sisters must bear in mind that one of the important elements of the philosophy of Hajj is creation of mutual understanding and consolidation of brotherhood among Muslims.

It is therefore, incumbent upon the Ulamaa and clergymen to discuss their essential political and social problems with other brothers in order to devise plans for the elimination of such problems so as to enable the other brothers to pose these resolutions to their own Ulamaa and authorities upon returning to their countries. (1) Hajj is the best rendezvous for acquaintances of Islamic nations, where brothers and sisters from all over the world can meet, in a House that belongs to all Muslims and followers of Abraham the Hanif, and ignoring their personal distinctions of rank, color, nationality or ethnic characteristics, return to their

original homeland and demonstrate their Islamic brotherly veracity by observing the generous Islamic moral principles and avoiding contentions and self-glorification.(2) We must bear in mind that an important social philosophy of convening such a magnificent congregation from all over the world at this sacred site and alighting place of revelation, is the unification of the world Muslims and consolidation of unity among the followers of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and of the holy Quran in their confrontation against the world despots, and if, God forbid, imperfect practices of some pilgrims affect this unity, resulting in discord and schism, this will annoy the Messenger of God (pbuh) and bring about God’s wrath and punishment.

The honorable pilgrims, while being present in close vicinity to the alighting place of blessing, the House of God, must treat all people, as God’s creatures, with Islamic kindliness and

brotherhood and consider them all as their kin, regardless of their ethnic distinction. All must unite and act as a single Quranic hand so as to overcome the enemies of Islam and humanity. (3)

The honorable pilgrims to the sanctified House of God, of any nationality or sect, must submit to the commandments of the sacred Quran, rise against the devastating satanic anti-Islam

deluge of East and West and their protégé , holding brotherly hands of one another, pay utmost attention to the exalted Quranic verses that invite the Muslims to hold fast "the secure rope of Allah" and interdict schismatic movements, take the most advantage spiritually and politically from this devotional-political obligation at this sacred place that has rightly been built for the expediency of the world monotheists, and heed the secret of sacrificing Ishmael by Abraham, a fact that shows how one must persevere for the sake of Almighty God. This shows the lofty aim of Islam and defends the extent of sacrificing ones dearest fruit of life. The big, the medium and the small devils must be expelled from the sacred sanctuary of Islam and the sanctified Ka'ba and from the Islamic territories, thus responding "LABBEYK" to Almighty God's invitation.(4)

At those exalted stations, make a covenant with one another for unity and alliance, depending on Almighty God, to stand firm against the heathen soldiery and the mischievous, and avoid any schism and skirmish. ".... Do not quarrel together, since that makes you weak and be patient; surely God is with those who are patient."

The tinge and scent of faithfulness and of Islam which is the basis of victory and power, will diminish by schism and factious spirit based on carnal desires and contrary to Almighty God's

commandments. This is while congregation in righteous pursuits and unison, and crying out for monotheism which is the fountainhead of the dignity of Muslim Peoples will lead to victory.

O! Muslims of the world! How come? You were able to demolish the great powers of the time, in spite of your fewness in number, during the early days of Islam and brought forth such a

great Islamic-humane nation. But now, with over a billion population all over the world, and being in possession of huge sources of national wealth that can be used as the most effective

political weapon against the enemies, you have become so weak and humiliated.

Aren't you aware of the fact that all your miseries stem from the disputes among the heads of your countries and, consequently, among yourselves?

Rise up! Adhere to the holy Quran and yield to Almighty God's Commandment in order to revive the dignity of the dear Islam and your own grandeur. Obey God's advice where He says: " Say: I give you but one admonition, that you stand unto God, two by two and one by one,

and then reflect":

Rise up! All of you rise for God's sake; rise individually against your own inner devil, and rise in mass against the satanic power wielders. If your rise and movement are for God's sake, you will end up victorious.

O! Muslims of the world; O! deprived people of the world, join hands with each other, heed the Great God, take refuge in Islam and harangue to the arrogant ones and the trespassers on the rights of the nations.

O! Pilgrims to the House of God, unite with each other, during your service in the exalted heavenly stations and pray to God Almighty for the mastery of Islam and Muslims and the deprived people of the world.(5)

Convene the Hajj pilgrims of different countries, discuss the problems of the Muslims and the expediencies of Islam and take decisive actions for elimination of problems. Study the ways to

establish unison among all Muslim sects and groups, and in the case of political affairs that are common amongst them all; find remedies for the problems that are brought forth by the obstinate enemies of Islam, worst of which is sowing the seeds of dispute among the ranks of Muslims. As you all know, during the recent centuries, the ones who stirred the fire in this battle field were the world plunderers of the East and West who are afraid of the one billion Muslim population, and constantly try to stir up the disputes among Muslim peoples, with all their might and with the aid of their perverted agents, in order to dominate over the destinies of the world Muslims, rule over them and plunder their infinite


What is the remedy today? What are the Muslims and the deprived people of the world to do, to overthrow these idols? The one fundamental remedy that will uproot all the entanglements

and burn up corruption and perverseness is the unison of not only the Muslims but also all the deprived and the en-chained people of the world, and this unity on which the exalted Islam and the holy Quran insist must be secured through extensive propagation and the center of this propagation and summons is the dignified Mecca during the congregation of the Hajj pilgrims, a summons that began by Abraham, the Friend of Allah (Lit.,KHALILOLLAH) and Mohammad (pbuh), the Beloved of Allah (Lit., HABIBOLLAH) and shall be followed by his holiness, the

Remnant of Allah (Lit., BAQIYATOLLAH), may our souls be sacrificed to his sacred steps, during The End of Time. Abraham, the friend of Allah was commanded to convene the people from all parts, to congregate all to intuit their expediencies, the expediencies of the community; the political, the social, the economical and the cultural ones; to come and see how you, as

their prophet, willingly sacrificed your most valuable fruit of life, and then admit that all human beings must emulate you. You who overthrew all the idols and dismissed from your mind all, except God. You truthfully said it when you said: And all must emulate to the father of monotheism and the father of the dignified prophets. In the Sura: Repentance (Lit., Towbah), which is commanded to be cited at the general congregation at Mecca, we read: ‘A proclamation, from God and His Messenger, unto mankind on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage: `God and His Messenger are disgusted of the idolaters’. (7)

The heart of "Miqat" is beating with anxiety to welcome the pilgrims arriving from the country of "No East, No West" (Lit., LA SHARQIYAH VA LA GHARBIYAH), to respond to God's

invitation to the right path, by their "LABBY , LABBEYK" utterance, and by kicking against the eastern and western schools and nationalistic perversions, and sympathize with all nationalities, regardless of their colors or ethnic distinctions, consolidate the unity among all Muslims and unite in the fight against the enemies of humanity and the world mongers and despots.(8)

Amongst the obligations of the pilgrims in this congregation is to call the public and the Islamic communities to unison and settlement of disputes between the Muslim groups which must be

discharged by the preachers, the orators and the writers, and they are to make efforts to remedy this vital problem and try in the way of establishing a front of the deprived people, as, by unity of front and unison of words and adoption of the slogan of "No God but Allah" (Lit., LA - ILAHA - ILLA - LLAH) they can free themselves from the slavery of foreign satanic power and colonialists and can overcome their difficulties by Islamic brotherhood. (9)

Point out this reality to all, that the enemies of Islam are trying, with all their might, to sow the seeds of dispute among the Islamic communities and make every effort to pave the way for the return of their domination over all the Islamic countries and plundering their assets. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid any schismatic actions, and this is a religious and heavenly obligation. (10)

You should bear in mind that the essential remedy lies in the unification of all Muslims and prevalent congregation, to sever the hands of superpower from the Islamic countries and to actualize, in their own countries, all the religious rites performed at the exalted stations and sacred shrines. (11)

It is hoped that the dear pilgrims of all Islamic countries will try to maintain their unison, and do not neglect their fraternity that is ordained by Almighty God among Muslims, and avoid

factionalism which is the practice of the Devil and devils in human form. (12)

Point out to all, that the enemies of Islam are trying with all their might, to sow the seeds of dispute among Islamic communities. They attempt, by whatever pretext and means

possible, to cause conflicts among Muslims and pave the way for their re-domination over all the Islamic countries and plunder their assets. Therefore, it is necessary for all to avoid any schismatic actions and this is a religious and heavenly obligation. (13)

It is necessary for the pilgrims to the sacred House of God, to cry out their detestation against the despots and tyrants at this prevalent congregation and roaring flood of human beings, most

resonantly, hold each other's hands of brotherhood most tightly, avoid sacrificing the lofty expediencies of Islam and the wronged Muslims, to schism and nationalism and enlighten their Muslim brothers, as much as possible, on the importance of maintaining their unison and forsaking their Dark Ages Prejudice that will end up to the benefit of the world plunderers and their affiliates. This calls forth Almighty God's aid, and God's promise, will hopefully, include them. But, if, God forbid, they follow the deeds of the world plunderers, worst of whom, are the subservient clerics (akhunds) of factious spirits, then they will have committed a grave sin and will be subject to the anathema of the All-powerful, the Almighty and remain enchained by the super-powers, and we all must take refuge in God's shelter from that. (14)

O! Muslims of the world, O! followers of the school of monotheism, the secret of all the entanglements of the Islamic countries is in their disunion and discord, and the secret of their

victory is in their unison and accord. God Almighty has said it in a single phrase: "And hold you to God's bond, together, and do not scatter;"

To hold tight God's secure rope means to maintain unity of all Muslims for the sake of Islam and expediencies of Muslims and to avoid discord and factionalism which is the essence of all the miseries and tardinesses. May God Almighty grant the Muslims the dignity of Islam and unison and accord of the Muslims of the world. (15)

The honorable pilgrims must beware lest they may feel proud of themselves before the Muslims of other countries, because of the progress and prosperity of their revolution, look down on

other Muslims and thus deprive themselves of kindliness and socialization with God's friends, in the sanctified Mecca, and remain negligent of the grace of thanksgiving for the heavenly

blessing that is modesty towards the Muslims, the deprived people and the coreligionists. In close vicinity to God's House and the shrine of the noble Prophet (pbuh), strengthen your allegiance and tighten your ties of friendship with the Muslims and relate to them the narrative of the revolution and God's blessings and ensure all the Muslims, on my behalf, and on behalf of the Iranian nation, that the Islamic Republic of Iran will support them and their strives and their Islamic plans, and will stand by their side in any bastion confronting the aggressors and will defend their past, present, and, God willing, their future rights. Assure them that the

power and dignity of the Islamic Republic of Iran belongs to all Muslim nations, and defending the heroic and valiant nation of Iran, is, in fact, defending all the oppressed nations, and we will,

God willing, break the aggressive hands of the tyrants in all the Islamic countries and promoting our revolution, which is in fact promoting the real revolution and relating the Islamic decrees, we will terminate the dominion and cruelty of the world plunderers and by God's help, we shall be able to pave the way for the arrival of the deliverer-pacifier of all, and the absolute Imam of the time, may our souls be sacrificed for him. (16)

You should bear in mind that this great congregation that is convened in this holy land, every year, as ordained by Almighty God obliges the Muslim nations to make efforts to actualize the

sacred Islamic objectives and the lofty aims of this pure religion and to promote and upgrade the Muslims and help unite the Islamic community. (17)

On the verge of the superpowers' invasion of the Islamic countries such as Afghanistan, and ferocious massacre of the Afghani Muslims (who detest foreign interference in their destiny,

and America who has a hand in every corruption), and simultaneous with the all-around aggression of the criminal Israel against the Muslims of Palestine and the dear Lebanon, and

simultaneous with the criminal plot of Israel to move its capital to Jerusalem (Baytul-Muqaddas), and extend its crimes and fierce massacre of the stranded Muslims, and at a time when the Muslims are in need of accord and unison, Sadat the deceitful, the servant of America and the friend and brother of Begin and the defunct Shah and Saddam, the subservient servitors of America attempted at separating the Muslims and spared no perpetration in their atrocities on behalf of their criminal Master. America, with its repeated attacks upon Iran and dispatching spies in order to defeat our Islamic revolution and conspiracies with Sadat to create disputes, promulgate false rumors and calumniate the executives of the Islamic government of Iran through the Iraqis, is tarred with the same brush. The Muslims must be careful about

the treacheries of these servants of the U.S. Of the problems devised for separation of the Muslims is nationalism and clannishness that have been fanned by Iraq, for years, which is followed by some of the tribes causing confrontation of the Muslims against each other, leading even to occasional hostilities, little knowing that patriotism, to love the fellow-citizens and to safeguard the boundaries of the country, is beyond debate, but nationalism in the sense of confrontation between one Muslim nation and another, is something else, which is against Islam, Quran and the Prophet's commands. Such nationalism which leads to separation of the Muslims and dispersal of the believers is against the expediencies of the Muslim peoples and is one of the deceits of the foreigners who are distressed to see the spread of Islam.

More dangerous and sorrowful than the nationalism is the dispute between the Sunnite and the Shiite sects and promulgation of seditious rumors among Muslim brothers, but,

thanks God, there is no controversy between the two sects within the Islamic revolution of Iran. They live together, friendly and brotherly. The Sunnis that form a large population in Iran are

living in different parts of the country; they have many pontiffs and chiefs; they are our brothers and we are their brothers and on a par with them, and they are against the murmurs of discord

made by some criminals and affiliates of the Zionism and America. Our Sunni brothers in the Islamic countries should bear in mind that the subservient servitors of the devilish major powers

are not well-wishers of the Muslims, and it is necessary that Muslims disgust them and do not listen to their mischievous propaganda. I shake hands, brotherly, with all the Muslims of the

world and ask them to regard the Shias as their dear brothers, thus nullifying the sinister plots of the foreigners. (18)

The Hajj that is acceptable to God and which is intended by Islam is such a Hajj that, when you go there you enlighten the Muslims of other countries, try to unite them and make them understand why a population of over one billion Muslims are so oppressed by two powers of no more than a few hundred million population?

All our entanglements stem from the fact that the Muslims have been perverted from the right path of Islam, so much so, that even the clergymen, as you might have heard that, some

clergymen at a meeting held, did not condemn what Russia had done in Afghanistan. (19)

Lo and behold! O! Powerful Muslims of the world! wake up; recognize your abilities and the world will recognize you. Yield to the commandments of Almighty God the holy Quran and throw away any clannish and regional disputes caused by the world plunderers and their corrupt agents in order to usurp you and trample on your humane and Islamic honor. Expel the mercenary

clerics (akhunds), and the ignorant nationalists whose harm to Islam is no less than that of the world plunderers. They show an inverted feature of Islam and open up the roads to the robbers.(20)

O! Muslims of the world! true believers in Islam! rise up and congregate under the banner of monotheism and the auspices of Islam and detach the treacherous hands of the superpowers from your countries and their over-filled treasures and revive the grandeur of Islam. Forsake your controversies and carnal desires, as you possess everything. Rely on the Islamic culture, fight against the west and westernization, stand firm on your own feet, attack the westernized and easternized intellectuals and regain your real identity, as the mercenary intellectuals have done the nation and the country, such a mischief that, unless you follow the true Islam and be united, you shall suffer from the same adversity you have been suffering from so far. It is now the time for the nations to enlighten their intellectualists and rescue them from

their humiliation and self-surrender to the East and West, as today is the day of national movements and guidance of the formerly guides of the people. you should know for sure, that your spiritual power will overcome all the powers and your billion man population, together with your infinite treasures can overpower all the major powers of the world. Help God to be helped by God.

O! Grand ocean of Muslims! clamor against the enemies of humanity and overthrow them, as when you heed God the Great, and observe the heavenly teachings, then Almighty God and His

enormous soldiery will be by your side.(21)



Now, being the season of pilgrimage to the Sacred House of God, and while Muslims from all parts of the world have convened here, it is necessary to heed one of the major reasons

for this tremendous congregation and look into the social and political conditions of the Islamic countries, learn about the entanglements of the coreligionists and to take efforts to help

eliminate their problems, as much as one's Islamic and moral duties require him to do. Diligence in the Muslims' affairs is an important Islamic obligation.(22)

To all the pilgrims to the Sacred House of God, may God Almighty assist them:

Now, seeing that, due to the negligence and feebleness of the Muslim nations, the devilish clutches of colonialism have reached to the farthest depths of the large territories of the peoples of Quran, and our treasures are poured into their mouths, under the feigned name of nationalization, the poisonous imperialistic culture has penetrated through the farthest villages of the Islamic countries and out-paced the Quranic culture, crowds of our youth are taken into foreigners' services and every day, under a new deceitful name, our youths are being perverted; the dear nations of Islam who have convened at this land of revelation to perform their Hajj rituals are required to avail themselves of this opportunity and seek remedies.

Exchange views for resolving the difficulties of the Muslims and agree with each other. Take it into consideration that this massive congregation convened at this sanctified land each year, as

commanded by Almighty God, obliges you, Muslim nations, to make every endeavor for the realization of the exalted aims and objectives of the pure religion of Islam and of the progress and elevation of the Muslims as well as unity and accord among Muslim communities. Harmonize your opinions and come into alliance with each other for uprooting the cancer of colonialism. Learn the entanglements of each Muslim nation from the tongues of their natives and spare no efforts to solve their problems.

Think about the poor and the destitute of the Islamic countries. Seek a remedy for the liberation of the Islamic land of Palestine from the clutches of Zionism, the obstinate enemy of

Islam and humanity. Do not fail to cooperate with and assist the self-sacrificing men

who fight for the liberation of Palestine.

The learned men who partake in this congregation from any country, are required to enlighten all nations by issuing sound statements, distributed among the Muslims at the "land of

revelation", and in their own countries, upon returning home. In their statements, they should require the heads of the Islamic countries to heed the objectives of Islam, abandon their

differences and seek remedies for their deliverance from the clutches of the colonialists.(23)

Many political purposes are aimed at, in convening meetings such as daily Mass Prayers, Friday Mass Prayers and particularly the invaluable congregation of Hajj, among which, is to learn

about the essential and political problems of Muslims, that can be discussed through meetings of the clergymen, the learned men and the devout pilgrims to the Sacred House of God, find

solutions and pose to their own homeland peoples upon return and try for their elimination.(24)

At this holy congregation of Hajj, debate, firstly, the essential problems of the Islamic world and secondly, the particular problems of every Islamic country, and find out what the

Imperialists and their agents have committed in these countries, against our Muslim brothers. At this holy congregation, the people of every country must relate the problems of their own

nation to the Muslims of other countries.(25)

Bring together the Hajj pilgrims of other countries, debate the expediencies of the world of Islam and the problems of Muslims and take decisive actions to solve these problems and fulfill the exalted ideals of Islam. Investigate the ways to conjoin the Islamic sects and groups and seek remedies for their common political pressing problems that have been created by the obstinate enemies of Islam, worst of which are differences among Muslims ranks.

As we all know, during the recent centuries the incendiaries of this dangerous conflict have been the world plunderers of East and West who are afraid of the unity of over one billion Muslims and try, with all their might, to increase their differences in order to dominate the Muslims of the world, control their destinies and plunder their endless treasures.(26)

This congregation that is conveniently arranged by Islam, is considered a religious obligation for those who are affluent, and a commendable practice for all the Muslims, as a devotion to God. An important point is that, the Muslims, all alike, free from any formality or luxuriousness, abandoning all social prestige, wrapped in a winding-sheet and two brief garments, attend these sacred stations, and more important than that, is the possibility for

them to relate to one another, the events of their countries during the year passed and think about eliminating the problems of the Muslims world. This is the main reason for the large congregation of Muslims in Hejaz.(27)

Regretfully, we Muslims, being kept at a distance from Islam and secluded from Islamic facts, never spare a thought that, firstly, all who can afford the pilgrimage, do go and get honored

with the pilgrimage to the House of God. Secondly, those of cognition, the writers, the intellectuals and the learned must get together there, look into the problems of Muslims of the world and try to solve whatever they can. Unfortunately, our achievements now, from pilgrimage to Mecca, is but the congregation of groups from the general public only and

the effectual ones, government authorities and prominent people who can study the entanglements and political and social problems of the Muslims are being neglected.(28)

All congregations arranged in the Islamic countries, in every town and village, are socio-political functions requiring the native of each township to convene and try to solve the problems of their township. The Friday Mass Prayers, too, are socio-political worships convening massive populations and are intended to solve the problems of the society. The congregation at Mecca is the largest congregation, convening of which is beyond the capabilities of any government.

And Almighty God has ordained that Muslims, without too much impositions and burdening expenditure on their governments, convene there, but regretfully it is not being taken

advantage of properly.(29)

In the course of Hajj, the difficulties of the people of the countries whose pilgrims arrive, must be studied. The conditions of the Muslims during the year passed must be investigated. How

the relation between each nation and its government, between each government and the devilish powers, between one nation and the other, between the clergy of one country and the other

are, and finally, what their attitude towards Hajj is. These are facts that must be investigated, and this is what Hajj is intended for. Hajj is intended for investigating a year's problems of the

Muslims and trying for their elimination.(30)

The court clerics of the region and outside the region, suggest that Hajj rituals must be free from political issues. They thus, condemn the Messenger of God (pbuh), they condemn

the caliphs of Islam and the infallible Imams. They do not understand that looking into these issues has been the main purpose of Hajj; for the rise of the people, it has been; for learning the problems of the Muslims and trying to eliminate those problems; and for the establishment of brotherhood and cordiality among Muslims.(31)

I humbly point out to the pilgrims to the Sacred House of God, from any country and nation and any religious sect, to please bear in mind that you are all the nation of Islam, followers of the

Prophet (pbuh) and submissive to the Glorious Quran. You all, have common, treacherous enemies, who, by sowing seeds of difference, with the aid of their ill-fated functionaries, the mass media and divisive propaganda, in the course of history especially during the recent centuries and particularly at the present age, have enslaved all the Islamic governments and nations and plundered your rich treasures and the labor gains of the oppressed and they make all efforts to take the governments, blindly and completely, into their own service, train the nations to be consumerists, hinder the humane growth and industrial innovations, increase their dependence and attachments on the East and West, deprive people of the opportunities to think about their independence and use their initiatives, and suffocate those who are eager to enlighten the nations. The dive adversity observed in the Islamic and other oppressed countries is resulted from the same plots of the common enemies of the Muslims and the oppressed nations. Now that you have convened in the center of the life-giving Islam, as ordained by God and His Messenger (pbuh) no matter what nation or religious sect you are from, seek

a remedy for this fatal ailment and deadly cancer.(32)

In this magnificent congregation that cannot be convened except by God's eternal might, the Muslims must look into their common problems and make efforts to eliminate them through

joint consultations; one of the biggest and most essential problems is the disunity within the Muslims, of which, some of the so-called heads of Islamic countries are the source, and for the elimination of which, no sound measure has been taken yet. Moreover, the profiteering criminals who benefit from the differences between our nations and governments, fan the flames of our disputes, that are created by their un-Godly functionaries, and whenever the

foundation of unity of the Muslims is laid, they try, with all their might, to oppose and sow the seeds of discord.(33)

The Muslims must be thoughtful of educating and correcting the self-surrender heads of some countries, and awaken them, either by admonition or menaces, as they may, both, destroy

themselves and dissipate the interests of the Islamic nations. Warn those subservient servitors, intelligently, watch out for the threats of the hypocrites and the middle-men of the world

imperialistic powers. Do not sit idle, just watching the defeat of Islam and pillage of the assets and treasures and abuse of chaste Muslims.(34)

Today the first "Qiblah" of the Muslims is seized by Israel, the cancer in the Middle East. Today, Israelis attack and massacre our dear Palestinian and Lebanese brothers, with all their might. Today Israelis, try, by using all their satanic means, to disperse the Muslims forces. It is obligatory that all Muslims be fully prepared to fight against Israel. Today, the African Muslim countries writhe, under the yoke of slavery of America and other foreigners and their subservient servitors.

Today, the Muslim Africans raise their voice, more and more, pleading for justice.

Pilgrimage to Hajj must respond to these pleadings. Circumambulating the Ka'ba is an indication that you would not seek to approach anyone else. Stoning at Aqabat means stoning

the devils of both human and jinns. By stoning, you promise to God that you will expel the human devils and the superpowers from the Islamic countries. Today the world of Islam is encroached upon by America. You are to pass on, to the Muslims of different continents, a message from God, that they must worship none but Almighty God.(35)

Seek remedies for the liberation of the Islamic land of Palestine from the clutches of Zionism--the obstinate enemy of Islam and humanity.

Do not fail to cooperate with and assist the those who sacrifice themselves fighting in the cause of Palestine liberation.(36)

Muslim nations must think about Palestine deliverance, and announce to the world, their strong disgust at the connivance and compromise of the shameful and self-surrender leaders, who, in

the name of Palestine, have spoiled the ideals of the people of the occupied lands and the Muslims of this region. Do not let these traitors ruin the prestige and honor of the heroic nation of Palestine by their negotiations and plying to and fro, as, these contemptible false revolutionaries have recourse to America and Israel, in the name of "Qods" liberation. Surprisingly, with every passing day, since the sanguinary catastrophe of usurping

Palestine, the heads of Islamic countries grow more silent and compromising, and the plot of condescension to Israel progresses and propagation for the slogan of liberating Jerusalem is not

heard about any more, and if a country like Iran, which itself is suffering from war and blockade, would cry out in support of the people of Palestine, they will condemn it. Moreover, they are even scared of the fact that a special day be held dear, and named "the

Qods Day".(37)

Perhaps they are proceeding on the supposition that the lapse of time has changed and nature and features of the crimes of Israel and the Zionist bloodthirsty wolves have forsaken their

mischievous thought to encroach upon and occupy the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates. The honorable authorities and the people of Iran and the Islamic nations will never give up fighting against and uprooting this impure tree. With God's assistance, all efforts must be made to make the best use of the scattered blood drops of the followers of Islam, the spiritual might of Muslim peoples and the means of the Islamic countries, and by forming resistance forces of Hezbollah all over the world, make Israel repent of its past crimes and free the forcibly occupied lands of Muslims from their clutches. As I have repeatedly warned, before

and after the revolution and last year, once more I warn you of the danger of the development of the infectious tumor of Zionism within the body of the Islamic countries, and proclaim the

availability of the unsparing backing of myself and the Iranian nation and government to all the zealous Muslim fighters in the cause of Qods liberation and express my gratitude to the dear

Lebanese youths who brought about honor and exaltation for the Islamic peoples and shame and humiliation for the world plunderers and pray for all the dear ones, who, within the

occupied lands or by the boundaries, depending on their own arms of faith and jihad, impair the interests of Israel and I assure them that people of Iran will not leave them alone. Rely upon

God, take advantage of the spiritual might of Muslims and attack the enemies by depending on your arms of piety, jihad and perseverance. "O believers, if you help God, He will help you, and will put you through your paces."



It is necessary for the learned (Ulamaa) who convene at this congregation, from whatever country they might be, to enlighten the nations by issuing proclamations, prepared logically through

exchange of views, and distribute them, at the land of revelation, among the Muslims, and later, upon return, to publish the same at home. In their proclamations, they must require the heads of the Islamic countries, to set before their eyes, the objectives of Islam, abandon their differences and seek remedies for deliverance from the clutches of the imperialists.(38)

A well-disposed and valuable opportunity for the clergymen is the possibility of meeting the learned, the thinkers and the keen-sighted people of the Islamic countries, although the world

imperialists, or, some government heads of Islamic countries are badly scared of such contacts and relations and try to prevent and control them, However, it has always been the wish of the Islamic Republic of Iran to make the best use of such a suitable occasion for the exchange of views and ideas, through sound programming, and to find solutions for the problems of the Islamic communities.(39)

The distinguished Ulamaa and honorable orators are to enlighten the Muslims on the political aspects of their momentous duties. The important duties that, if carefully heeded and

practiced, the glory that God has ordained for the pious believers will be gained, and the heavenly and Islamic honors achieved as deserved, and the Muslims will then, enjoy real independence, being in the grace of Islam and under the flag of monotheism and the banner of "No God but Allah", and will be able to cut the hands of tyrants off the Islamic countries.(40)

It is very surprising that many clergymen and "Ulamaa" of the Islamic countries are negligent of their important role and heavenly and historical mission at this era, when humankind is thirsty for spirituality and the resplendent precepts of Islam. They do not apprehend the thirst of the nations, and are ignorant of the anxieties of the communities and their desire for the values of

revelation. They have belittled their spiritual power of influence, whereas, the clergymen, the orators and the Friday prayer leaders can bring the world under the Quranic domination by their unity, oneness, and responsibility and perform their duty to enlighten and guide the people, at the present conditions of the dominion of garishly colored material world of sciences. Thus, they can preclude all this corruption, exploitation and disdain imposed on the Muslims and prevent the nestling of the little and big devils, particularly America, in the Islamic countries. They can also endeavor to study and publish the resplendent precepts of Islam

rather than uttering and writing absurd and divisive suggestions, eulogizing the tyrant rulers, to make the oppressed developed cynicism with respect to the Islamic issues and creating discord

among the Muslims. And by making full use of the limitless ocean of Muslim peoples, stabilize their own glory and the honor of the believers in Islam. Is it not humiliating for the clerics of the Islamic countries to see that heathen rules and regulations be enacted in the Islamic

countries and decisions dictated by those of "wealth-power- hypocrisy" and the real opponents of Islam be exerted while having access to the Holy Quran, the resplendent precepts of

Islam the "Sunnat", (Lit., manners of the Prophet (pbuh) and the infallible Imams), thus, enabling the politicians of Kremlin or Washington to issue instructions for the Islamic countries? The clerics (Ulamaa) of the Islamic countries must discuss the ways to solve Muslims' problems and difficulties and their deliverance from the dominion of the tyrant powers, take up cudgels for the benefit of Muslims, and preclude the invasion of the eastern and western sordid cultures that ends in destruction of the seeds and yields of the nations. They should point out to their own peoples, the evil consequences of self-surrender to the garish attractions of west and east, and warn the nations and the governments against neocolonialism and the mischief-making acts of superpowers who have stirred up wars and bloody massacre of Muslims.

Once again I emphasize that the world is thirsty for the resplendent facts and precepts of Islam and there is no excuse to be made by the clerics before God. While the Muslim youths

proceed to the extent of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, in order to defend their sanctities, and willingly embrace the waves of calamities and disasters as well as prisons and tortures like the

Lebanese dear Hezbollah fighters and other Muslim valiant warriors who persevere and fight against the usurpers, then what stronger evidence may be required and what excuse may be given for silence, condescension, home retreat and unnecessary dissimulations?

Should the clerics and Ulamaa hesitate to take actions, it will be

too late to remedy then. Needless to say that we are aware of the loneliness of some duty-bound clerics who are surrounded by bayonets and put under pressure of threats and unlawful decrees

of evil courtier clerics, however, we remind these dear ones of God's advice that: "Say: I give you but one admonition, that you stand unto God, two by two and one by one, and then reflect:"

Rise for God's sake and do not fear loneliness and isolation. Mosques are the best bastions and the Mass Prayers and Friday Prayers, the most suitable arenas for organization and explication

of expediencies of the Muslims. Today, although the governments and those subservient to the superpowers are seriously fighting against the Muslims, and like the Indian government, they

massacre the innocent, the freedom-loving and the defenseless, however, they dare not close the mosques and temples of the Muslims permanently, nor will they manage to put out the

spiritual illumination of love and cognizance of the multimillion Muslims. At the same time, should they close down the mosques and religious and political circles of the Ulamaa, or, even hang them in public, this will serve as an evidence of innocence of Islam and further the general attraction of the public to the clergy and following them. Is it not that God has bound the Ulamaa not to remain silent against the cruelties of tyrants and the injustice of the criminals?

Aren't the Ulamma "HOJJAT" (Lit., proxies) of the prophets and the infallible Imams on earth? Thence the Ulamaa, the learned and the intellectuals must come to the rescue of Islam and save it

from its present isolation. Tolerate no more humiliation and degradation. Strike down the idol of the imposed lordship and supremacy of the world plunderers, reveal your enlightened and

authoritative features, expel the double-dealers, the false clerics, the mammon worshippers and the tumultuous and do not let the wicked Ulamma, the eulogists, and the tyrants impose their authority on the people, in place of the real leaders of the Muslim peoples, and take advantage of the spiritual status of the Ulamaa of Islam.(41)


1- From Imam Khomeini's message regarding the duties of the

pilgrims, dated Sept. 19, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 176.

2- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated July

27, 1987--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 131.

3- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.

15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 202.

4- From Imam Khomeini's message on the occasion of Eid-e

Qurban (Feast of Sacrifices), dated Sept. 19, 1982--Sahifah Noor,

vol. 17, p. 29.

5- From the message of Imam Khomeini on the occasion of the

Arafah Day, dated Nov, 20, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 10, p. 221.

6- From Imam Khomeini's command to Hojjatol-Islam Karrubi,

dated July 18, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 191.

7- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, and the

Muslims of the world on the occasion of Eid-e Qurban (Feast of

Sacrifices) dated Sept. 2, 1983--Sahifah Noor, vol. 18, p. 90.

8- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.

15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 197.

9- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Sept.

28, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 225.

10- From Imam Khomeini's command to Hojjatol-Islam, Messrs.

Iravani, Hashemi, Golpaygani, Tavassoli, Jalali, and Taheri

khorram-Abadi, dated June 9, 1981--Sahifah Noor, vol. 14, p. 273.

11- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.

15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 202.

12- From Imam Khomeini's command to Hojjatol-Islam Khoiniha

appointing him to supervise the pilgrims, dated Aug. 4, 1982--

Sahifah Noor, vol. 16, p. 237.

13- From Imam Khomeini's command to Hojjatol-Islam, Messrs.

Iravani, Hashemi, Golpaygani, Tavassoli, Jalali and Taheri

Khorram-Abadi, dated June 9, 1981--Sahifah Noor, vol. 14, p. 273.

14- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.

6, 1986--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 21.

15- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Sept.

28, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 226.

16- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated July

27, 1987--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 131.

17- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Feb. 7,

1971--Sahifah Noor, vol. 1, p. 156.

18- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Sept.

11, 1980--Sahifah Noor, vol. 13, p. 81.

19- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing the minster and

executives of the Ministry of Islamic Guidance, Hajj Pilgrimage

Organization, Imam's representative and supervisor of the Iranian

pilgrims and the caravan clerics, on Aug. 16, 1983--Sahifah Noor,

vol. 18, p. 68.

20- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug.

15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 199.

21- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Sept,

11, 1980--Sahifah Noor, vol. 13, p. 83.

22- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Oct.

17, 1978--Sahifah Noor, vol. 2, p. 172.

23- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Feb. 7,

1971--Sahifah Noor, vol. 1, p. 156.

24- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Sept.

28, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, P. 225.

25- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Feb. 7,

1971--Sahifah Noor, vol. 1, P. 157.

26- From Imam Khomeini's command to Hojjatol-Islam Karrubi,

dated July. 18,1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 19, p. 191.

27- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing the ambassadors of

the Islamic countries on Oct, 19, 1980--Sahifah Noor, vol. 13, p.


28- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing the ambassadors of

the Islamic countries on Oct, 19, 1980--Sahifah Noor, vol. 13, p.


29- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing the ambassadors of

the Islamic countries on Oct, 19, 1980--Sahifah Noor, vol. 13, p.


30- From the speech Imam Khomeini's addressing the minister

and executives of the Ministry of Islamic Guidance, Hajj and

Pilgrimage Organization, Imam's representative and supervisor of

the Iranian pilgrims and the caravan clerics on Aug. 16, 1983--

Sahifah Noor, vol. 18, p. 66.

31- From Imam Khomeini's speech addressing the minister and

executives of the Ministry of Islamic Guidance, Hajj and

Pilgrimage Organization, Imam's representative and supervisor of

the Iranian pilgrims and the caravan clerics on Aug. 16, 1983--

Sahifah Noor, vol. 18, p. 67.

32- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Aug,

15, 1985--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 176.

33- From Imam Khomeini's message to Muslims of the world and

pilgrims to the House of God, dated Sept. 5, 1981--Sahifah Noor,

vol. 15, p. 123.

34- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated July

27, 1987--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 230.

35- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Sept.

28, 1979--Sahifah Noor, vol. 9, p. 226.

36- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims dated Feb. 7,

1971--Sahifah Noor. vol. 1, p. 156.

37- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated July.

27, 1987--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 115.

38- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated Feb. 7,

1971--Sahifah Noor, vol. 1, p. 156.

39- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated July.

27, 1987--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 124.

40- From Imam Khomeini's message to Muslims of the world and

pilgrims to the House of God, dated Sept. 5, 1981--Sahifah Noor,

vol. 15, p. 123.

41- From Imam Khomeini's message to the pilgrims, dated July.

27, 1987--Sahifah Noor, vol. 20, p. 126.


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