Israeli Nuclear Weapons Threat to Humanity

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The United Nations General Assembly has adopted two new resolutions regarding nuclear disarmament and the danger of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.

The first resolution, although too late now, adopted unanimously by the General Assembly, calls on concerned parties to take urgent practical steps toward the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.

The second resolution, adopted by an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly (except for the US and its European allies), warns of the dangers of nuclear proliferation and stresses the need for Israel to sign up to the NPT.

This move has been made just as reports have surfaced that “a US-based research institute will soon publish what it says is indisputable evidence that Israel stole weapons-grade uranium for its atomic weapons program from a nuclear reprocessing plant in western Pennsylvania.”

The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy is due to release its findings on research which looked into the alleged “disappearance of highly enriched uranium from the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation in Apollo, Pennsylvania in the 1950s and 1960s.”

Aside from the core issues, the major themes reflected in the UN resolutions against Israel over the years are its unlawful attacks on its neighbors; its violations of the human rights of the Palestinians, including deportations, demolitions of homes and other collective punishments; its confiscation of Palestinian land; its establishment of illegal settlements; and its refusal to abide by the UN Charter and the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

As for the preposterous claims that “Israel stole weapons-grade uranium for its atomic weapons program from a nuclear reprocessing plant in western Pennsylvania”, it must be argued that this is just an excuse for the West (especially the United States, Britain, Germany and France) to distance themselves from the dire consequences of arming the Zionist regime of Israel with nuclear warheads and weapons of mass destruction.

Just for the record, the Zionist illegitimate criminal entity began its search for nuclear weapons at the inception of the regime by the West in 1948. As payment for Israeli participation in the Suez Crisis of 1956, France “formally” provided nuclear expertise and constructed a reactor complex for the Zionist regime at Dimona capable of large-scale plutonium production and reprocessing.

Israel also used the nuclear option as a bargaining chip for a consistent American arms supply. After French disengagement in the early 1960s, Israel progressed with the help of the US and Britain to project completion. Now Israel has nuclear weapons, perhaps as many as 400, but The Federation of American Scientists puts the number at 200.

In the 1990s Israel took delivery of three German-built submarines, two of which were a gift from Berlin. They can launch nuclear-armed Popeye Turbo cruise missiles with a range of up to 350km and that at any time, two of the vessels remain at sea – one in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, the other in the Mediterranean – and a third is on standby. So there is little doubt that Israel can strike any part of the Arab world. It can even strike London and Washington!

The phrase the “Samson Option” is used to describe Israel’s strategy of massive nuclear retaliation against “enemy” nations should its existence be jeopardized. Zionist leaders created the term in the 1960s, inspired by the Biblical figure Samson, who destroyed a Palestinian temple, killing himself and thousands of others.

Israel’s threats to use nuclear weapons, including preemptively, have increased greatly in recent years, though. The Zionist regime is so paranoid that it even considers Russia a target “because of its technical assistance to Iran’s civilian nuclear program.”

Unfortunately, few peace or political leaders/activists in the West are willing to challenge Israel’s Samson Option threats or even to make a nuclear free Middle East a central demand - as was the case in the latest UN resolutions. Until all UN member states (including the US, Britain, Germany and France) are willing to change their policy of unconditional support for the Zionist regime’s Samson Option, the whole world remains a potential target of this horrific strategy.




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