The Role of Hazrat Khadijah (S) in Islam

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The Role of Hazrat Khadijah (S) in Islam

Khadija, daughter of Khuwaylid (died 10th of the Prophethood), known as Khadijah the Greater (S) and Umm al-Mu'minin, was the first wife of the Prophet (PBUH) and the mother of Hazrat Zahra (S). Khadijah (S) married Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before his mission and was the first woman to believe in him.

Khadija used all her wealth to spread Islam. Out of respect for Khadijah, the Prophet (PBUH) did not choose another wife during her lifetime and always remembered her well after her death.


Khadijah gave birth to the Prophet (PBUH) Hazrat Fatima (PBUH), Qasim and Abdullah. Although some sources also mention Zaynab, Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthum as daughters of the two, according to some Shiite scholars, Fatima (PBUH) was the only daughter of Khadijah (PBUH) and the Prophet (PBUH), and the other three daughters were not the children of the Messenger of God (PBUH) and Khadijah, but were adopted daughters of the Prophet (PBUH).


Khadijah (PBUH) died in Mecca three years before the migration, at the age of 65, and was buried in the Ma'ala cemetery.


Hazrat Khadijah's financial contributions enriched the Prophet (PBUH). It is narrated from the Messenger of God (PBUH) that "No wealth has benefited me as much as Khadijah's wealth has benefited me." According to Islamic traditions, the Prophet (PBUH) used Khadijah's (PBUH) wealth to help free debtors, orphans, and the needy.


During the siege of Bani Hashim in the branches of Abu Talib, Hazrat Khadijah's (PBUH) wealth was used to support Bani Hashim, to the extent that the narration states: "Abu Talib and Khadijah (PBUH) spent all their wealth to protect Islam and the besieged." During the siege of the branches of Abu Talib, Hakim ibn Hizam, Khadijah's (PBUH) nephew, carried wheat and dates with camels and delivered them to Bani Hashim with great difficulty and danger. God counted Khadijah's (PBUH) work among His great blessings and favors to His chosen servant Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) also always spoke of Khadijah's generosity and sacrifice with great greatness and greatness.

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