Stone Throwing Three Jamarats
On the nights that we said it is obligatory to stay in Mina, on those nights it is obligatory to stone the three Jamarats: that is, he should throw pebbles at three places, which are called the first (Jamra al-Awli), the middle (Jamra al-Masihi), and the last (Jamra al-Aqaba). However, if he intentionally leaves it out, it will not harm his Hajj and it is valid; although if it is intentional, it is a sin.
Issue: The number of pebbles for each Jamarat on each day should be seven, and its etiquette and rulings are the same as we previously mentioned for Jamra al-Aqaba.
Issue: The time for throwing pebbles is from sunrise to sunset, and it is not permissible at night. And if someone is sick or infirm and fears that he will not be able to throw during the day due to the large number of people, it is permissible to throw at night.
It is obligatory to stone the Jamarat in order: that is, first the first Jamarat, then the middle one, then the Jamarat of Aqaba; and if he does not do it in this order, he must repeat it in such a way that the order is achieved; whether he intentionally did it wrongly or out of forgetfulness, ignorance of the issue, or negligence; in any case, he must repeat it.
If someone forgets to stone the Jamarat and comes to Mecca, if he remembers during the days of Tashreeq, that is, the eleventh, twelve, and thirteenth, he must return and perform it. If he is unable to do so, he must appoint a deputy. If he remembers after these days or intentionally delays it until after these days, the obligatory precaution is that he himself or his deputy comes and performs it, and in the next year, he or his deputy should perform it in the days that he missed.
Issue: If he forgets to stone the Jamarat until he leaves Mecca, the obligatory precaution is that he or his deputy should perform it in the next year.