Staying the Night in Mina

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Staying the Night in Mina

It is obligatory to stay in Mina on the eleventh and twelfth nights; that is, to stay the night from sunset until midnight. And for some, it is obligatory to stay the thirteenth night as well, such as someone who has fished or had intercourse while in the state of ihram, and someone who does not go on the twelfth day and stays until sunset. Such a person must also stay the thirteenth night. And for some, it is not obligatory to stay these nights in Mina, such as the sick, the sick’s caregiver, and those who find it difficult to stay.


Issue: In order to obtain half of the night, one must count from sunset until sunrise, as a matter of precaution and obligation, which is approximately twelve o’clock at night. Therefore, it is permissible to leave Mina after midnight.


Issue: For someone who has not been in Mina since the beginning of the night without an excuse, the obligatory precaution is to return before midnight and stay until morning.


Issue: Whoever leaves the night in Mina, must sacrifice a sheep for each night that he did not stay, and it does not matter whether he did not stay knowingly and intentionally, or because he forgot or did not know the issue; and even the sick, the nurse, and the one who is difficult for him to stay, which we have said is not obligatory, should stay. It is also obligatory for them to sacrifice a sheep for each night that they did not stay, and there is no specific place for sacrificing this sheep, so they can sacrifice it after returning to their place.


Issue: It is not obligatory for those who have not been away for a while since the beginning of the night or have left for a while before midnight to sacrifice them, it is a recommended precaution in sacrificing.


Issue: Those who are permitted to migrate on the twelfth day, which is usually the case, must migrate after the afternoon and it is not permissible before the afternoon; and those who migrate on the thirteenth day are free to migrate whenever they wish.

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