Tawaf al-Nisa

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Tawaf al-Nisa

Tawaf al-Nisa


Issue: The fourth of the acts of Mecca is Tawaf al-Nisa, which is similar in practice and rulings to Tawaf al-Umrah and Tawaf al-Hajj, but it must be performed with the intention of Tawaf al-Nisa.


Two rak’ahs of Tawaf al-Nisa prayer


Issue: The fifth of the acts of Mecca on the return from Mina is the two rak’ahs of Tawaf al-Nisa prayer. This prayer is similar in its manners and rulings to Tawaf al-Umrah and Tawaf al-Hajj, but it must be performed with the intention of Tawaf al-Nisa prayer.


These were the five acts that must be performed after returning from Mina in Mecca, and after performing these acts, the woman and the perfume that remained become permissible. Only hunting in the sanctuary remains as a taboo, which is always forbidden, and it should be understood that these five acts must be performed in the same order and after the three acts of Mina, and the order should not be changed voluntarily and without an excuse.

Issue: Tawaf al-Nisa is not exclusive to men and is also obligatory on women and children. If they do not perform it, if it is a man, the woman is not permissible for him, and if it is a woman, the man is not permissible for her.


Issue: Tawaf al-Nisa and its prayer are obligatory, but they are not a pillar, and intentionally leaving them does not invalidate the Hajj. However, if it is not performed, the woman is not permissible for the man or the man for the woman. It should be understood that what is meant by saying that a woman is not permissible is not only a person’s own wife, but any woman; neither his own wife nor any other woman if he wants to take her is not permissible for him. Likewise, a man is forbidden to a woman, meaning any man, not just his own husband.


Issue: If he does not perform Tawaf al-Nisa by mistake and returns from Hajj, then if he is able, he should go back and perform it himself. If he is unable or has difficulty, he should hire a representative, and after the representative performs it, the woman becomes permissible for him.

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