Why is the Tawaf seven rounds?

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Why is the Tawaf seven rounds?

Another question is about Tawaf. It has been said that the Tawaf of the Sacred House of Allah must be seven rounds. What is the reason for this? Basically, what is the secret behind the fact that we must definitely go around the Kaaba seven times during Hajj?


Many people have asked the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the pure Imams (peace be upon him), and those great people have answered this question to the best of their mental capacity and understanding. The depth of the story of the seven rounds of Tawaf has secrets that lie in divine wisdom, and only those great people do not know it and cannot understand it. However, they have mentioned some points about it in their speeches.


For example, it is mentioned in a hadith that Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) said that I asked my father Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) why the Tawaf was made seven rounds and why Muslims and believers must go around the Kaaba seven times? The Prophet replied: Because God Almighty told the angels that I will place a successor on earth. But the angels objected and said: Will you place someone on earth who will shed blood and cause corruption? So if the purpose of creation is worship, we will praise and glorify You and worship You.


But God Almighty said that I know truths that you do not know. He became angry with the angels and those who benefited from the divine light were deprived of it. This continued for seven thousand years and they asked God Almighty for forgiveness and pardon for seven thousand years until they were finally forgiven by God and the House of the Occult, which is located in the fourth heaven, was made the Kaaba, a place of refuge, safety and reward. Since then, it has become obligatory for God's servants to circumambulate the Kaaba seven times, circling it once every thousand years.

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