The Prophet Passes Away

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Weave the crimson web of war


The Prophet is no more, keep Ali from caliphate far.


Let us seize the reins of succession,


Ignore Ghadeer and make Saqifa the obsession,


No tears for the Prophet, songs of joy they sing


In their hearts they rejoice to lead the ring.


Before the ruddy sun be set


They usurped Ali’s caliphate.


This was the first error they committed


Immediately after the departure of the Prophet,


And confiscated Fadak of Zahra under pretext,


'That the Prophets don’t leave one to inherit'!


As the sole heir of the Prophet, Zahra claimed her right


But the conspirators claimed might was right,


The Prophet’s passing away quenches the orb of day


And warms their long slept ambition with redoubled ray,


The birds in the air with their flock in sorrow greet,


At the plight of the Prophet's family and Muslims in the street,


Hypocrites and betrayers with cruelty invade


The Prophet’s House with fire and iron blade,


Now they found way to give Ali a fatal wound


While hostile multitudes press him to ground,


Sway, O Saqifa sway, Islam spreads its charms;


The caliphate, the power, sets the world in arms.


Crushed by Saqifa and weakened as designed


The House of the Prophet lost power and declined.


Hypocrisy pretended religion to tread


Islam remained but faith fled,


On the same fateful 28th of Safar 39 years later,


The heir of Saqifa poison's the Prophet's Successor,


Imam Hasan, martyred by Mu'awiyah the knave,


O Muslims! To such a crook you allegiance gave,


The tragedy does not stop here,


As arrows target the bier,


At the instigation of a lady on a mule,


Fires of hypocrisy the heirs of Saqifa fuel,


A Leader of the Youth of Paradise their target,


Even against the dead body they have no regret,


Alas! Without Ghadeer this the Muslims' fate,


Hearts devoid of faith seek the devil as mate.


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