Indiana City Touts Support of Local Muslims

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Indiana City Touts Support of Local Muslims

Officials in Muncie, a city in the US state of Indiana, plan a resolution not only declaring support for Muslim citizens but condemning anti-Muslim hate speech and violence.

The resolution "In Support of and Defense of Religious Diversity, Tolerance and Mutual Understanding" was proposed by Mayor Dennis Tyler and will go to Muncie City Council for approval at an upcoming meeting.

"We want the community to know we appreciate them being here," Tyler told The Star Press. "We care about them and want them to feel welcome."

The effort comes in the wake of increased anti-Muslim sentiment and comments nationally and just three months after a group of people in traditional Muslim robes and head coverings in Muncie Mall prompted a woman to post on Facebook that she believed a terrorist attack was imminent.

An officer of the Islamic Center of Muncie said the city's action is appreciated by local Muslims and other members of the community.

"The biggest thing that will come out of it for the Muslim and non-Muslim community as a whole is that these people are part of our society, they are contributing citizens to our community, we cannot shy away from them, we need to work with them as children of God," Bibi Bahrami said. "We have so much in common."

The diversity and tolerance resolution had been on city council's agenda for its Feb. 1 meeting but was put on hold by sponsor Alison Quirk for further research and possible additions.

"Our community wants to be welcoming," Quirk told The Star Press about the inspiration for the resolution.

Bahrami— who, along with herhusband,Saber Bahrami, a longtime local physician, came to the United States in 1986 as refugees from Afghanistan and Pakistan— noted that local Muslims have tried to improve their standing in the minds of some in the community in the past.

"I think we're looking at a very holistic approach to the community," she said. "When 9-11 happened, we tried to reach out, to let people know, 'We don't believe in this.'

"Unfortunately, there's a generation growing up and all they hear of are terrorists. They grew up in that. My children grew up in this too. We don't want to wait for someone ignorant to do something. I want to be more proactive."

In recent months, theDecember attack that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, as well as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's call for a ban on Muslim immigration to the United States, have increased controversy.

"California was a crazy individual," Bahrami said. "I don't call him Muslim because if he were truly Muslim he wouldn't do this. I don't believe any religion allows the killing of innocent people."

Through meetings with local religious leaders and the local program RACE (Reconciliation Through Community Engagement), Bahrami and other officers of the Islamic Center have tried to increase awareness of the Muslim community.

Non-incidents like that at Muncie Mall in November, which was quickly discounted as a threat by Muncie police, gain traction on social media like Facebook, where they are shared hundreds of times.

Bahrami said Muslim women who wear headcovers "feel insecure" in the wake of such controversy.

Tyler, Bahrami and local religious leaders met in recent months and the anti-discrimination resolution grew out of those meetings.

"They did have a concern with the phobia going on all over the country," Tyler said. "We wanted everybody to know they're welcome."

Tyler said the resolution was being fine-tuned for an upcoming council meeting. The original version of the resolution notes that the freedom to practice religion is a "cherished value" and that the city has welcomed "wave after wave of immigrants and refugees who add enormous value to the economic, education, artistic and cultural life of our communities and nation."

"Anti-Muslim speech and actions has increased in the national conversation where rates of hate violence targeting Muslim families and children are at record highs across our nation ... This is detrimental to our very core of society as human beings who cherish freedom and liberty."

Bahrami said the resolution increases the confidence of local Muslims.

"We just need to work together," she added. "I think it will help both sides."

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