Iran’s Revolution Inspired Islamic Movements, Iraqi Analyst Says

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Iran’s Revolution Inspired Islamic Movements, Iraqi Analyst Says

An Iraqi political analyst and media activist underlined that the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran inspired Muslims all over the world.

Undoubtedly, the Islamic Revolution of Iran had many reflections and led to the awakening of the Muslim Ummah, Ala al-Khatib told a few days before the 37th anniversary of the revolution’s victory.

He said the victory of the revolution came after a period of failures for Muslims following the collapse of the Ottoman empire, occupation of Palestine by the Zionist regime, and spread of the secular western culture in the region.

Muslims were keenly awaiting the formation of a powerful Islamic country, al-Khatib said, adding that when the Islamic Revolution took place in Iran, it motivated Muslims across the world and inspired the creation of Islamic movements in countries like Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and even some Persian Gulf littoral states.

The recent wave of Islamic Awakening in the region was also among the achievements of the Islamic Revolution, he stated.

The Iraqi analyst noted that the global arrogance has been hatching plots against the revolution ever since its victory, but the Islamic Republic of Iran has come victorious against all these schemes.

He further stressed that the Islamic Revolution brought about changes in all aspects of life in Iran so that Islam is present in every sphere including politics, education, culture, economy, arts, etc.

Al-Khatib highlighted the great role women have been playing in Iran since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, saying that Iranian women have made great achievements in political, scientific, sports, media and other fields.

He also praised the Islamic Republic’s efforts to promote Quranic activities, noting that Iranian Quran activists have had outstanding presence in international Quranic events in the past few decades.

The Iranian nation, led by the late Imam Khomeini (RA), toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime 37 years ago on February 11, 1979, ending 2,500 years of monarchic rule and establishing an Islamic Republic in the country.

Every year, Iranians stage rallies all over the country to commemorate the anniversary of the revolution’s victory.

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