Sayyed Nasrallah: Tel Aviv’s Buildings Vs. Every Building in Beirut Southern Suburb

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The Secretary General of Hizbullah His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced Friday the conclusion of the “Waad” [Promise] project, aimed at rebuilding the thousands of housing units that were destroyed during the 2006 “Israeli” aggression against Lebanon.

During the ceremony dubbed by Hizbullah as "The Most Beautiful Promise", Sayyed Nasrallah concluded the 5-year effort by the “Waad” project to rebuild the Beirut Southern Suburb which was launched by the Jihad al-Binaa Organization.

His Eminence tackled the rebuilding achievement as well as various regional and internal titles.

Reconstruction Challenge… Another Victory:

“Everyone knows that the goal of the 2006 “Israeli”July war was neither to return the captive soldiers nor to remove the resistance from South of the Litani river,” His Eminence said, noting that ““Israel” wanted to crush the resistance.”

According to Sayyed Nasrallah, “Israel” aimed at placing Lebanon as part of the great regional changes, especially in Palestine and Syria and later Iran to establish a new Middle East.

“They wanted to subjugate Lebanon as part of the “Israeli”-American regional axis,” His Eminence stated.

In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that “the war failed to achieve any of its objectives.”

In his speech, Hizbullah’s Secretary General explained some of the social and psychological aspects of both the aggression and the reconstruction process.

Sayyed Nasrallah responded to questions of “why does “Israel” use the mass destruction? Why does it commit war crimes? Why doesn't the enemy settle for attacking military targets or fighting in the battlefield?”

““Israel” has a theory that the resistance’s incubating environment must suffer the pains and pay the price of supporting the resistance,” he stressed.

His Eminence stated that “in face of this destructive war that aimed to turn to change people’s life into hell, there was a military, media, and psychological resistance, as well as a war of reconstruction, survival and steadfastness.”

“As we celebrated the major Divine Victory in the Southern suburbs of Beirut on the 22nd of September of 2006, we celebrate today the triumph of reconstruction on devastation…the triumph of steadfastness,” Sayyed Nasrallah viewed.

He also emphasized that “living a humiliating life in the presence of the occupation is death.”

“By insisting on the reconstruction of their homes, the owners of residential units across Lebanon, especially in the Southern Suburbs of Beirut, had chosen to live and die in their own land,” the Secretary General of Hizbullah stressed, noting that “Lebanon is still in the circle of the “Israeli” threat.”

Sayyed Nasrallah further saluted the July war martyrs’ souls.

“Hadn't it been for the martyrs’ blood and great sacrifices, there would not have been survival and victory of the July war,” His Eminence highlighted.

The Secretary General of Hizbullah also said that there were several pressing issues facing Lebanon in the aftermath of the “Israeli” aggression.

“This includes the return of thousands of families who were forced to migrate, the removal of cluster bombs, the reconstruction, and overcoming the psychological effects of the war,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

In parallel, His Eminence hailed the financial support for reconstruction efforts from Iran, Arab states, and all sides.

“Days before the war ended, Imam Khamenei as well as the Iranian President [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad responded to our request and we received the money with the weapons,” he unveiled.

His Eminence stated that “despite the huge “Israeli” bombing, which led to the destruction of 100,000 residential units, we were able to reconstruct with the Iranian help.”

“Waad exerted major efforts and we thank the government, the councils and the syndical committees, and we especially thank the Higher Shiite Islamic Council and all the political forces that cooperated with us,” Sayyed Nasrallah added.

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah thanked all the Arab states that offered financial aid to the Lebanese state.

We’re to Remain, Occupier to be Wiped

He also stated some of the 2006 “Israeli” aggression numbers.

“During the July War, the enemy launched 10,000 raidson residential areas... Three thousand raids targeted the resistance,” Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned.

His Eminence clarified that “together with the government and the army we were able to remain in our land.”

“The resistance that they wanted to destroy increased in its strength and capabilities,” he said, assuring that “the hand that reconstructed remains on weapons to impose new equations.”

In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah vowed that“for every building that “Israel” destroys in the Southern Suburbs of Beirut, the resistance will destroy several buildings in Tel Aviv in return.”

“We are capable of not only hitting specific targets in Tel Aviv but also any place in occupied Palestine,” he said, stressing that “the era when our homes get destroyed and the “Israelis” homes remain intact is over,” he said.

Moreover, His Eminence declared that “the era when we leave our homes and the “Israeli” remainin theirraped settlementsunits have ended.”

“We’re to Remain, Occupier to be wiped,” His Eminence vowed.

Why Silence on Gaza?

On besieged Gaza Strip, Sayyed Nasrallah urged “all the Arab states to lend a helping hand to Gaza so that its people will be able to rebuild their homes that “Israel” devastated in 2008 aggression.”

“Let them provide Gaza with money, so that the people of Gaza may not remain displace,” His Eminence called the Arab states.

“If there is a will to finance Gaza, the Strip will be constructed,” Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed, reminding of more than 3000 jailed hunger striker Palestinian prisoners behind the “Israeli” bars.

He also slammed the silence of the Arab League, as well as the International Arab and Muslim organizations for not moving in solidarity with the jailed Palestinian hunger strikers.

“We might disagree over Syria, Yemen and Bahrain,” Sayyed Nasrallah viewed.

“However, we don't disagree over Palestine,” he said, clarifying that “the formation of a national unity government in “Israel” is a development that we must observe carefully.”

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah called the Lebanese government to launch the construction of Nahr al-Barad refugee camp.

He also warned of attempts to turn the Palestinian refugees into colonials.

“This serves the Zionist regime,” he said.

Moving to Bahrain, the Secretary General of Hizbullah denied all claims that Hizbullah is interfering in Bahrain by calling the Bahraini opposition for a military escalation against the regime.

“They are lying,” he confirmed, pointing out that “Hizbullah only supports the peaceful protests which have embarrassed al-Khalifa regime.”

His Eminence further acknowledged that “the continuous peaceful popular movement in Bahrain reflects a lot of steadfastness and perseverance.”

Syria At Cross Roads:

On the Syrian developments, Sayyed Nasrallah accused the United States, its Western allies, and “Israel” as well as some regional countries of seeking to destroy Syria. He also commented on the recent bombings that hit Damascus.

“America, the West, “Israel” and some regional powers only seek to destroy Syria, the only supporter for the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine,” he said.

In this context,His Eminence clarified that “the same hands that tampered with Iraq, its people and institutions are now tampering with Syria and seeking its destruction away from any humanitarian sense.”

“It is laughable when some accuse the Syrian regime of being behind the bombings in Syria,” Sayyed Nasrallah viewed, wondering“is the Syrian regime going to attack its security centers and officers?”

He further highlighted that “the Syrian people are at a crossroads: one path leads to reform through political means and the other to destruction through suicide bombers who aren’t necessarily Syrians.”

Open to Electoral Dialogue, Keen on Internal Stability

On the internal front, Sayyed Nasrallah noted to the importance of the Parliament as the only institution elected by the people.

“The elections season appeared to have commenced and the 2013 parliamentary polls needed to be held on time,” His Eminence mentioned.

He also voiced support to an elections law based on proportional representation but did not discount other systems to regulate to upcoming elections.

“The electoral law is an issue that deserves our patience and time,” His Eminence said, hoping that “the doors will not be closed in the face of any plan or idea regarding the electoral law.”

Sayyed Nasrallah assured that Hizbullah is to preserve its parliamentary presence whatever electoral law is to be adopted.

His Eminence also urged that the May 7 conflict with “Future Movement” not be used to incite sectarian tensions.

“We didn’t, and won’t resort to weapons,” His Eminence stressed, reminding that “we are masters of the psychological war against “Israel” and we aren’t shy to talk about May 7 that targeted the resistance’s wired communication system.”

His Eminence stated that “our keenness on the country made us silent, and we are not afraid of the Future Movement that agitates sectarian language for electoral purposes.”

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