Ayatollah Khamenei Foils Zionist Plots

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Osamah Jah, founder of the Islamic Proximity Center in Gambia criticized a lack of common stance among some Muslim countries regarding Islamic Awakening and denounced the efforts of some governments to hinder the movement..

He referred to constant support of Iran for Palestine and the Islamic Resistance and added, “Some Muslim governments have taken an opposite stance regarding Iran’s support for Palestine and mistook that for a Shi’ite Muslim issue.”

“Standing against Islamic Awakening and Islamic Republic of Iran can be the biggest threat against Islamic Awakening,” said the Gambian Muslim, adding that "the complete victory of the movement will not be achieved as far as these countries continue their hostile approach."

The African thinker also highlighted protection of Islamic Awakening achievements and commented, “Western and world arrogant powers spend white nights to block any way that leads to ideological freedom and independence of the Muslims.”

On the condition for victory of Islamic Awakening, he said once Muslims unite to ignore the religious and racial differences, Islamic Awakening will achieve its objectives.

He lauded Islamic Republic of Iran as the only country which clearly announces its opposition with the Zionist regime and reveals the plots of this regime.

The prominent Muslim thinker from Gambia also praised the remarks of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution saying Ayatollah Khamenei, in each speech, issues important messages for Iranian nation as well as Muslim people around the globe.

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