Jalili: "Israel" to Regret Recent Aggression on Syria

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Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Saeed Jalili stressed that "Israel" will regret its recent airstrike aggression on Syria.

A day after holding talks there with President Bashar al-Assad, the top Iranian official emphasized: "Syria plays a pivotal role in supporting the resistance as it is the staunch castle in the face of the regimes which were pursuing the path of settlement with the Zionist entity."

In a press conference in Damascus on Monday, Jalili added that "the Syrian regime, which has for years withstood hostile policies, enjoys the full support of his people."

He further confirmed that "the Syrian people opted for the path of supporting resistance."

"The Syrian leadership and people have defended their causes, therefore Syria will be exposed to the enemy's schemes who continues to avenge it," he highlighted.

In parallel, the Iranian official stressed that "Iran, since the beginning of the crisis, emphasized the Syrian internal solution to the crisis."

"Supporting the Syrian people is not by destroying the infrastructure of the Syrian state, but through national dialogue which is the only way to get out of the crisis," he added.

Meanwhile, he mentioned that "Syria played key role in all victories of the resistance against the Zionist entity," and noted that "the aim of activating the conspiracy against Syria is that the Islamic world turns a blind eye to the Zionist entity."

Jalili added that Iran will use all its potentials in the international community to support Syria against the Zionist aggression.

He stressed that the political program outlined by al-Assad would be the appropriate base for national dialogue, expressing hope that the Syrian people will accelerate dialog to reach outcomes which positively affect Syria.

He underscored that the military solution is not a solution to the crisis in Syria, condemning the foreign interference, the terrorist practices and the acts of violence .

Jalili stressed that the solution to the crisis in Syria would not be except a Syrian one by the Syrian people who have to decide his own fate.

"Iran supports the right of benefiting from the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, but it strongly rejects the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region and calls for freeing it from all weapons of mass destruction," Jalili said.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by moqawama.org

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