Sheikh Akhtari: Iran Plays Fundamental Role in Islamic Unity

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Secretary General of the International Ahlul Bayt (AS) World Assembly and Imam Khamenei's consultant, Sheikh Mohammad Hasan Akhtari called on Islamic countries to adopt the policy of "neither East nor West" and Islamic unity, highlighting the fundamental role of the Islamic Republic in gathering sects together as assigned by Sayyed Ali Khamenei.

In an interview with al-Ahed News Website, on the occasion of the 10-Day Dawn Festivities and the Week of Islamic Unity, Sheikh Akhtari stated, "After 34 years of the revolution's victory and the establishment of the Islamic Republic, we believe that the slogan ‘neither East not West' could manifest and be achieved in the Islamic Republic.

Iran today did not and will not depend neither on the East nor the West, and faces all non-Islamic ideologies through politics. In this way, the Islamic revolution will have founded a government like no other in the world."

He added, "The political path that the Islamic Republic of Iran took is differentiated with the commonly adopted in world governments; the Iranian government and policies are based on religious grounds and beliefs and derived from the Holy Quran, the Prophet's life, and Prophet Mohammad and his household's honorable sayings."

The Secretary General of the International Ahlul Bayt (as) World Assembly stressed that the ‘neither East nor West' slogan has come into force, and Iran progresses with each day thanks to this independent policy.

Moreover, Sheikh Akhtari expressed hope that countries of the Islamic Awakening could enforce this policy and not follow satanic policies.

He further noted Iran's role in gathering Islamic sects together, describing this role as fundamental and essential.

He added, "The Late Imam Khomeini was the pioneer in calling for gathering and unity, and was the first to hold a conference to gather sects, as well as called for the week of Prophet Mohammad's Birth the week of Islamic Unity."

Furthermore, the Sheikh concluded by stating that Iran is trying its best to join sects together and continuously calls for the necessity of brotherhood and unity between citizens of Islamic Ummah.

Source: al-Ahed News, translated and edited by


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